Rock Band 2 is an amazing game and everyone enjoys interference with their friends. However, many people complain that they have to go through the World Tour or challenge mode to unlock all songs in Rock Band 2 Wii. If you are only playing to jam with friends, this can be quite bummer.
There is a trick that is included in the game only . simple code that can be used to unlock all songs.
Here is how to unlock all songs in Rock Band 2 Wii
Go to game changing screen and select "Enter unlock code" press the following keys in the message of BlueA sequenceRed, yellow, blue, red, red, blue, blue, red, yellow, opens which says "Modifier Otev?ena" press continue (green button) and then scroll down until until you see the option to unlock all songsCheck box and enjoy interferenceHere is a video showing how to do it
Points to note
Once you have unlocked all songs, you cannot save your game.If is using the Wii controller, you will need to use the corresponding buttons for the preceding code, you can find that out by touching the game.Once restart the game, the trick doesn't work, so you will have to enter it again.Unlock Wii now to get the latest cheats guide used by players from around the world.
Other cheats to unlock the various elements of Rock Band 2 Wii at
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